Sunday, October 28, 2012

Still at Straub

When I got to Straub yesterday, Diana was already there with lots of updates. wow. The docs found a blockage in Rich's gall bladder, which appeared to be the source of the infection. They said they would make a decision to remove the whole gall bladder or just the block part and surgery would be today or tomorrow. Nothing happened. Finally, around 6 pm we asked the nurse to see what was the follow up of that conversation. The doc's notes said that Rich would have a consult with the surgeon tomorrow.  Rich is receiving round the clock antibiotics and feels good, looks good. Andrew and Suzanne were there in the late afternoon. They have been faithful visitors. Creighton also blessed Rich with a visit. There was an opportunity to pray with one of the nurses.

I had truly hoped we would be in Australia for his 60th birthday. We have tickets for Nov. 1st but if he isn't d/c' from Straub and clear of this infection........we will have to do a Hawaiian party instead. Bummer.

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