Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It was the night before chemo and all through the house...

We had a rough night last night. When I got home I saw Aimee getting Rich into the car to take him to ER. He had a fever, chills, clammy skin, and sever stomach pains. That was about 6:30. Aimee came with us to Pali Momi and what a God send that was! We did need a w/c for Rich at the ER, so Aimee could park the car while we registered. The staff were impressive. Because of the level of pain, Rich did not have to wait long to see a doc. Weird part is all the testing came back 'normal'. Not sure what that was all about. Blood, EKG, and Xray were good. We were home by ten and pretty much fell into bed. Rich felt better about 30 minutes after we got to ER.

Tomorrow is our big day. Looking forward to starting this process. Rich is very uncertain about the effects of the chemo but is ready to get started. We got this diagnosis Oct 1st. It seems like years have passed before our eyes. Lord, we are trusting in you for all of it......amen.

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