Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Rich had his blood test at JH yesterday. His bilirubin is in the 'normal' range so now he can start chemo. Thank you for the prayer. This was a huge issue for us because if the bilirubin was high, he would need another procedure ...taking up more time. When he finds a doc in Honolulu he will be good to go. Suz and Rich have much to write on their adventures ...and the Lord knows, they have had plenty so I will not address those things. Rich is feeling so good. His sides do not hurt anymore and he continues with good sleep, eat, etc etc. We are praying on how to tell his mom what's going on. Please pray with us. He could easily stop by and tell her, but he needs to come home and find a doc who can work with the JH docs.  I hope the next entry comes from the East Coast.

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