Sunday, October 21, 2012

From Margie:
Rich got home Thursday night...10-18. He had good energy for a guy who was up for 20 hrs or so. Rich has been getting good rest, we are working on the macrobiotic diet and finding good organic things we need, and getting back to routine stuff he likes to do. Tomorrow we meet the Oncologist at Straub Hospital. We are praying that there are no issues following the directives from  JHH and that he can start chemo in a relatively quick period. We have alot to learn. But we have such a 'cloud of witnesses' surrounding us, helping us, encouraging us. In this we give thanks. Jesus is so concerned with our relationships. Especially those in the body of Christ. We are committed to make the most of those relationships we see face to face every day.

We fly 'out of here' Nov 1-15. It will be a real relaxing time and so good for both of us. Our days are busy, maybe too busy. Rich is at church now ministering with the prayer team. I am waiting for Carlo to come and trim the kukui tree in the front yard. The word I felt the Lord give me was to 'make all things new' I am painting, clipping, whatevers to bring life to this house. The termite guy will be selected soon so out with the critters!! The roof will come next but one adventure at a time!

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