Wednesday, October 10, 2012

We went to Africa in September 2010. It was an amazing moment as we got to see our daughter working on the mission field. Wow. It is so delightful to have adult children. We have always loved them but something special happens when they see fruitful lives and adventures and decisions. We are very proud of our kids in that they pursue life in good ways.

Rich will stay in Baltimore for a week. On Monday he will have a blood test to check his bilirubin levels. If it is normal they can start chemo right away. If not, they will want to do a procedure to place another stent in that area to help it drain better. Right now Stacie and Rich are checking out clinical trials in certain states. Rich wants the most proactive approach he can get. He also has committed to change his diet so that is wonderful. Eating organic foods and letting his body rest in digestion. He is in a win win situation. As a Christian.....we are going to live forever with Christ. So pray that the Lord shows them the best place to go. I don't mind having a Chemo Deployment for awhile. My military families have deployments all the time so..I can do one too.

We (Rich, Andrew and I) had a time this past Saturday at the golf range...shooting at the driving range. I have not tried this in 39 years. It was so bad that I never wanted to repeat it. Andrew did well, Rich did well and I got better. He was so happy to be together at the range. Kurt would have laughed at us big time. We were aiming for the guy driving the buggy picking up balls.

We leave in 21 days for Australia. I know God has specific adventures for us there. It will be a time of grace. Deep joy, sweet moments, laughter. I am trying to get excited for it all. We have another trip planned in Dec for Las Vegas. We won that a Lucky 7 team in the Great Aloha Run. God is so good, He gives us stuff we never deserve. We don't 'deserve' these vacations but He has given them to us. Wow, how cool is that.

Love you guys.......I can not say this enough....we FEEL your prayers. Awesome!!!

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