Thursday, January 10, 2013

The first home 'aspira' drain

 Suz did the honors today as I worked this afternoon. It was pretty simple and easy on Rich. She drained 2.5 L out of his stomach and so now Rich is snoozing comfortably. His best energy is in the morning so all 'hard' activities need to be done then.  Suz is packed. I am so happy for her. At 22 she has the world by the tail. I am sure we will Skype daily. Promise.

For those of you who have tried to Skype with Rich yet were unable, do continue to try. He is very alert at 8-10 am our time. We will try to connect with some friends this weekend. I did speak to Grandma Stercho today. She is very sad and there is not much to say to her except God can do anything He wants to do. Rich is comfortable and happy to be at home. Hopefully he can Skype with her soon.

Thank you so much for your daily prayers. We continue to live in a peace that's hard to describe. God doesn't promise us tomorrow, nor today. I am rejoicing that we have today. It was a beautiful day.....not too hot nor cold. The sun shown brightly and the birds sang. Life is so beautiful. 

Good night blessed family and friends.

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