Saturday, January 5, 2013

Greetings from soggy Hawaii

The days are relaxed. Rich eats when he feels like it, and he gets whatever he wants. We encourage the 'good stuff' but reality is.......jello and pudding go down easy. We had a wonderful pupu night with dear friends. So thankful for those visits. Suz will leave next week and it will be sad to see her go, but how can she stay? She is on a special journey and almost done with that chapter.  In some ways, she and Rich have had the best adventures these past few months. The trip to DC, Philadelphia and the Poconos......wonderful. 

Rich is scheduled for a procedure at Queen's on Monday to install a drain tube for his stomach. This is something they could not do before as it's a big NO NO for chemo patients. So now he can have it done and we can kiss the bloated tummy good bye. We had a nice visit from the Hospice nurse yesterday and she got us a w/c for fast transportation. This chair is so light that I can pick it up with one hand. wow. We are headed for the Waianae to find some sun. I am going to push Rich through all the lagoons and back. Off to the beach....aloha.......

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