Monday, January 21, 2013

Celebration of LIfe

We are giving Rich a true Stercho send off. Please come if you can. We would love to see you. 
Pupu style so bring food you love and want to share. Thanks.

Andrew and I put this obit together. Thought you'd like to see it first hand.

Richard Paul Stercho, age 60, of Mililani, passed away peacefully at his home on January 19, 2013.
He was born in Johnstown, PA on Nov. 5, 1952 and graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 1974.
His diverse professional career included work at the Red Cross, State Civil Defense, Harris Therapy, Inc., and years as pastor of a church in Bear Creek, PA.
Rich is survived by his wife of 33 years, Margie, and their two children Andrew and Suzanna. He also leaves behind his 92-year-old mother, Genevieve,  and siblings Janet McClure, Michael Stercho, and Stacie Smith.
The family will be sending donations to the Village of Hope Uganda.
A Celebration of Life ceremony will be held Thursday, Jan. 24 at 7 pm at the New Hope Central Oahu Tech Park campus. Burial arrangements will be made at the Hawai'i State Veteran's Cemetery. 

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