Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A new start

New Years is always a great opportunity to start a new chapter in your life. We are believing that for Rich. He has done well being home: more alert, takes less medications, less pain, fair appetite, breathing well, sleeping mostly through the night. His urine color is back to normal so we think the chemo is truly out of his system. 

We did enjoy the movie 'Lincoln'. What sacrifices our forefathers made to end slavery. It was a three hour movie and I think Rich slept through some of it...that's ok, it was so awesome to get into the car and drive.

We had a lovely New Year's Eve with Peggy and Sam watching Sam's big TV. Nothing like old friends. God has given greatly to us in that area. 

My Skype name is Margie.Stercho so if you can text before you want to Skype, we can get the computer ready. The iPad is fast and takes little prep time.

Thanks so much for following this blog. We continue to take one day at a time. We appreciate your prayers so much. They keep us moving on and staying focused on Jesus. 

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