Sunday, January 13, 2013

A day of foot ball and The Pink Panther

What a beauty of a day! We had a lovely day with Andrew watching tv and eating pizza. Rich is very alert but in such a weaken state. I was keeping the w/c in the car but am going to put it in the house to ferry between family room and bedroom. Rich eats very little, drinks very little but has wide eyes.....very aware of whats being said and done. 

Church was very sweet last night. Rich stayed home while I zipped up the hill. This church has been so faithful to pray for you it's very special to visit them. They are very tender and kind. We seem to be surrounded by that wherever we go. It's wonderful. Peggy and Sam dropped in after church today and Rich was very happy to see them. There is nothing like an old friend. Peggy and I have been friends for 49.5 years. Wow. She lives closer to me now than when we were kids in Lilly. ONLY God does cool stuff like that. They have always been there for sweet.

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