Saturday, January 12, 2013

New Beginnings

As we start this new year, we are hoping for true direction from the Lord for all of us. New beginnings for all areas. Rich and I have some areas we want to explore this year. Suz left today and it was so hard to watch her go yet....she had to go. Rich and I both want her to finish this semester and get that degree. Andrew continues to be steady at his job and thinking about grad school at some point and time. The Lord has so much for us.....we are only given so many days.

We met with the hospice nurse, Val, today. She had some good ideas on how to keep Rich more alert during the day. He needs to Skype with family and friends tomorrow. We have decided to make 'no plans' on weekends. Hang loose. I will start back with the kale/spinach smoothies tomorrow. Our little garden looks great and it's time to get back to basics. 

Rich is starting to perk up a bit from his surgery. So wonderful to see him smile.

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