Thursday, November 15, 2012


Yesterday the bypass and port were done with no complications. Dang, it was so good to have something go right. Rich looked good after the sx and was making jokes with cousin Patty. He and Patty go way back and have such admiration for each other's fathers. I'm so glad she is here. After visiting Rich for awhile Andrew, Suz and I took her to Bucca di Bippo for some fine Italian food. Dr. Maldini would have liked the stuff we ordered. It was fun to celebrate this day. God knows what we needed, and we needed for this to happen. Now Rich needs to pass some gas and he can come home. Doc said it would take 3-6 days for this to happen. We are praying for 2 days. Sheila Harris is praying for the 'Holy Fart'. Yes, I say Amen, Amen. Suz got in last night at 5:15. It was difficult for her to see Rich stuck in a hospital bed....but he was in good spirits. Somehow things seem so 'good' again. We are all home, laughing and probably do some crying together soon. Good day!

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