Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Stuck in First Gear

Rich's stomach is not moving...liquids move very slowly through his stomach after a few days. He continues to be bloated and very much in discomfort. Doc does x rays to see what is going on with the digestion process but there is no occlusion or leakage. Doc is adding/changing meds to help the process. I sure hope so. Rich is back to having the iv 'food' TPN. His energy and spirit are strong. He walks all day and some of the night. I am not a good waiter. We need a plan B for this tummy. Kurt is the early visitor, I am the middle, and Andrew and Suz end the day. Seems to be a good play for visitors. 

The tree is almost decorated. We ran out of ornaments so once we fully clothe the tree I will put a pic of it here for you to see. Rich has seen small pictures of this tree. It is so beautiful. He will love it first hand........the smell of pine trees......nothing like it. 

The Lord reminded me of the healing of a little boy..."Heaven is for Real". This kiddo had an appendicitis that wasn't dx properly and wow..the healing process was excruciating to read, can't imagine walking that one out with a little boy (he was almost 4). Rich needs new body parts. We are praying for them all, stomach, liver, gallbladder and pancreas.  Of course we will include new knees as well, why not.

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