Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cousin Patty is coming to town..yeah.

After a bloated weekend Rich went to the ER yesterday morning around 4 am. His tummy wasn't getting better and he wanted to find out why. As I was getting up to go with him, he said he wanted to go by himself. So I met him a few hours later at Straub ER with a 'hose in his nose'. Ah, the CT scan showed that the tumor was blocking his duodenum and so most of the food he has been eating for the past few days was still in his tummy. Now what?? Today at 1:30 they will be performing an EGD. You should see what these initials stand for.......Kurt looked it up, I think it's 26 letters. It is a stent put into the duodenum. The other stent is holding up nicely so lets hope this one does as well. Our nurse asked us about 'advance directives'. We talked about it a long time ago but now is the time to put it on paper.

Sunday night we went to see "Skyfall" with Andrew and his girlfriend Susanne. Rich just wasn't feeling good and was tired of not feeling good. Even 007 could not make the discomfort go away. Cousin Patty comes in today at 9 am. Good.This is one of Rich's favorite cousins who lives in Southern California. She and her brother Jimmy could make a comedy sitcom. Good times with those visits to California. Thanks for coming Patty. I baked you banana bread this morning.......hope you like walnuts and cranberries. Chemo will be put off till next week... once again.

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