Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Plan B

Cousin Patty arrived around 9:30. Got to Straub around 10:30--traffic is always crazy in town. The procedure they wanted to do for Rich-to place a stent into his duodenum to relieve the pressure in his stomach-they were unable to do. There was too much food particles and the proximity of the stent Queen's place was too close. The doc said it was too dangerous for perforation. So later that afternoon Dr. Maldini came in to tell us plan B. Place a bipass from the stomach to the jejunum. (above and below the blockage). Dr. Maldini reemphasized that chemo can not begin until Rich was eating and feeling 'relatively good'. Rich was tired after the procedure but was feeling better later last night. 

Dr. Maldini will do the bipass today if Rich is looking good/strong. Hopefully this can be done today. Rich will need several days to rest before coming home.  Suz arrived in Honolulu at 5:15. Good. 

I think as a family we are just ready to be off this merry-go-round. Of course we can not. Trusting Jesus for the day. Thank you for the prayers going out to our family, especially Rich. One day at a time. 

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