Saturday, November 24, 2012

Better day...

Today is a good day. After a shower and a shave Rich seems to perk up and wants to walk. Andrew joined me today at Straub. He was relaxed and he did record Dr. Maldini's talk today. Our good doc is not terribly concerned about Rich's stomach as it is fairly common after this procedure. Rich's stomach is slow to 'wake up' and properly function. His  lower intestines seem to be working fabulously. Enough said. Doc said it may take up to 2 weeks to fully return to normal function. Test results show no blockage and leakage. Good news. We want him home sitting in his chair and putting ice cycles on the tree. Andrew will attack this tree tonight with lights. This should be fun. I am looking forward to this tree decorating. We are finding joy in the simple things......parking spaces, dark chocolate, football games.

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