Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Another night at Straub Hospital

Grandma took the news of Rich's illness fairly well. Rich will call her in a few days to see how she is doing. This is a good thing for all of us. We don't want Grandma stressing out over something she can't fix. 
Rich may be home tomorrow. He is eating jello and soups and cream of wheat. Hopefully they will bump up the foods and get him d/c'. Suz is preparing some very special stuffing and mashed potatoes that he can eat and feel good about. Andrew is bringing some friends so that should be fun. Of course the Reyes' will be with us and that is about it. I asked Dr. Kim if she thought we could do the Vegas trip in December. She thought if Rich is feeling strong and eating,,,,,,,sure. Good. I hope we can.

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