Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy '60' Birthday Rich!

It was a small intimate birthday gathering. Aimee had clinicals' and couldn't be there, Diane was not feeling well and Kurt took the pics. Just sushi, banana cake, watermelon and a tort cake. These are some of the people who emotionally take care of us. We are so grateful for all they do....keeping us semi normal. We had a great weekend with Andrew and his girlfriend Susanne. Stan and Carlo were here with functional helps~Stan is doing some carpentry work in the bathroom and Carlo and Andrew attacked the backyard 'green wall'. These trees grow amazing fast and only 18 months ago Carlo trimmed them. To watch them was like watching a Tarzan movie, they moved back and forth on the top branches. Wow. Rich was amazed to see how quickly they moved.

Rich's stomach has not 'been right' for awhile. The surgeon said if things got uncomfortable they would take the gallbladder out. Today will be that day. Rich weighed in at 182. The macrobiotic diet has little to no fat and no red meat so Rich is very lean now. Rich is going in for a doc appt with the surgeon at 10 today. Dr. Muldini will make a decision on what to do with that gallbladder..........yeah. Rich is tired of having food sit in his stomach. 

Suz will be home in a week. I had a lovely idea that we should find the tallest tree for Christmas. We have a 24 foot peak in our house and what fun that would be to fill that space! I think our children could find such a tree. Rich has always loved a big fluffy tree. 

Today we get out house tented. No more bugs for awhile. Goodbye termites!!!

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