Sunday, December 2, 2012

Good News from Doc Maldini

Sunday is such a lovely day. We spent about 6-7 hrs walking and praying, laughing, singing. Doc Maldini came in about 3 pm (he visits EVERY day). He said that Rich is making slow steady progress. He advanced the food intake to soft solids. WE are thrilled. He is taking this slow due to the other set backs Rich has had. He said he believes Rich will be out in one week. Lets pray for sooner. 

We told him we have  a planned vacation to Vegas on the 12 and he said he would let us know in a week. Rich looks really good. He is lean and moving on those hospital floors 4-5 x/day. Wow. Andrew dropped by before coming home. Suz will go back to CO tomorrow night.She has finals to contend with. We will meet her in Vegas on the 14th. yeah. I will only be going if Rich goes.....the kids know how to have fun with out their parents.

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