Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas + 4

Good morning. I am sorry for not keeping up with this blog for a couple of days. We did have both the hospice nurse and doc visit yesterday. The nurse came at 8:30 and the doc at noon. They were simple visits. Rich has had some very bad and very good days. Doc is going to tweak his meds to get the best state of alertness. Rich was able to Skype with his sister Stacie yesterday. It was wonderful.  For all of you who would like to talk and see Rich this may be the best alternative. Grandma Stercho will be here with his sister Janet in early January. The doc felt that Rich has 2-3 months at best. We focus on comfort and whatever pleases him. He asked Suz to drive him to the North Shore to see the waves (they are huge in the winter). Andrew spends lots of time with us. My work schedule is light as most of my kids are on the mainland visiting their grandmas so we are having exceptional family time. So grateful. Rich seems at peace with everything. We are keeping a positive house- as much as we can.  

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