Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Date Night

Rich and I had a cozy date night last night in his room. We watched 'The Sting' with Robert Redford and Paul Newman. Andrew stayed awhile so that made it 'more better'. We are missing Suz and her wit. But we will see her soon in Vegas. Rich's stomach is continuously getting better at processing food. Each day he is less distended. Doc Maldini called that one....what a smart guy. Rich continues with a daily walk 6-7x/day so he looks good and strong for a guy who has been stuck in a hospital for 3.5 weeks. Yikes. It was good for Suz to see how much people (docs, nurses, housekeeping, dietary) like him and care for him. He has favor with all these people and knows everyone by name. He is spending much time in prayer and reading the Word. He wants to hear everything the Lord would speak to him. amen!  Later Gator.

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