Rich is mostly feeling tired. His best time is the early am. But last night we did a family dinner at our favorite restaurant Auntie Pasto's. Rich ate some salad. His appetite is very little in the evening. This morning I put icing on a fresh backed banana cake. He ate a piece for breakfast and it was too sweet for him to finish it. wow how his taste buds have changed. We are still eating a 'good' shake with kale and lots of greens but he is mostly a jello guy now. Today at 11:40 we will be in a theater to watch 'Lincoln'. Rich has been wanting to watch this movie for awhile so's gonna happen today.
Suz and I revamped the meds. I think I will color code them for me. In 33 yrs I have not once given my husband meds. So now I am paying attention. Dr. Emma will come tomorrow to 'tap' Rich's tummy. It keeps filling up with fluids and makes it difficult for breathing. We tried some meds to help the flow but.......didn't work. Oh well, no biggie. Rich likes to be tapped. It gives him immediate relief. wowowo.
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